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Mastering the Art of Permanent Winged Eyeliner: Your Ultimate Guide

Winged Eyeliner 87329The allure of perfectly winged eyeliner is undeniable. Its ability to instantly elevate your look from simple to striking makes it a staple in many makeup routines. However, achieving the perfect winged eyeliner can be a daunting task, especially for those of us who aren't makeup artists. This is where the concept of permanent winged eyeliner comes in to save the day. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about this revolutionary cosmetic technique.

What is Permanent Winged Eyeliner?

Permanent winged eyeliner, also known as cosmetic tattoo eyeliner or Latino Liner, involves the application of pigment to the upper lash line in the shape of a winged eyeliner. This procedure aims to create a long-lasting and consistent winged eyeliner look that doesn't smudge or fade throughout the day.

The Procedure:

The procedure for permanent winged eyeliner typically involves a trained professional using a fine needle to implant pigment into the skin along the upper lash line. This is done while carefully following the natural curvature of the eye and creating the desired winged effect. Before the procedure, a consultation is conducted to determine the desired thickness, length, and angle of the winged eyeliner.

Benefits of Permanent Winged Eyeliner:

Time-Saving: Say goodbye to spending precious minutes each morning trying to create symmetrical wings. Permanent winged eyeliner ensures your eyes are always ready to impress.
Smudge-Proof: Unlike traditional eyeliner, permanent winged eyeliner won't smudge, fade, or smear, making it ideal for long days and humid environments.
Confidence Boost: The consistent, sharp winged look can enhance your features and boost your confidence, even on days when you're makeup-free.

What to Expect During the Procedure:

During the procedure, a topical numbing cream is usually applied to minimise discomfort. The professional will then carefully implant the pigment, layer by layer, building up the colour and shape. It's important to note that the area may appear darker immediately after the procedure, but it will lighten as it heals.


Aftercare is crucial to ensure the best results. You'll need to keep the treated area clean and avoid excessive moisture for a few days. Avoid makeup around the area until it's fully healed, which typically takes around 1 week. It's common for the pigment to initially appear darker than the final result, but it will fade to the desired shade over time.

Maintenance and Longevity:

Permanent winged eyeliner is not truly permanent; it's considered semi-permanent and may require touch-ups every 1-3 years to maintain its vibrancy. The longevity of the results can vary depending on factors such as skin type, sun exposure, and skincare routines.


Permanent winged eyeliner offers a game-changing solution for those who crave the elegance of winged eyeliner without the daily hassle.  With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy the beauty and convenience of perfect winged eyeliner that lasts.

Remember, while permanent winged eyeliner can simplify your makeup routine, it's important to make an informed decision that aligns with your personal style and preferences.